Saturday, October 06, 2007,8:31 AM
the door chooser
i am a door chooser ,i choose the doors i open and close much to the dismay of glum faced shenanigans
-scribbled at the last page of a certain miss chakroborti's statistical mechanic's copy
posted by Tiyasha
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Did you...close the door? Can I...knock? Why...I don't know. Why should someone knock at doors when someone does not know what to say when a face surfaces at the hinges? Does one expect something when one knocks? Does one knock...just for the sake of knocking? Can there be a knocking without intentions/expectations/illusions? Like...can there be a question which does not contain the implied answer?
To clear mists around my face...can I beg another poem?
Did you...close the door? Can I...knock? Why...I don't know. Why should someone knock at doors when someone does not know what to say when a face surfaces at the hinges? Does one expect something when one knocks? Does one knock...just for the sake of knocking? Can there be a knocking without intentions/expectations/illusions? Like...can there be a question which does not contain the implied answer?
To clear mists around my face...can I beg another poem?